This site was created as my final project for my Intro to Web Design class in Spring of 2022. It utilizes HTML and CSS to create as responsive and visually pleasing website.

The site is fully static, as it is not connected to a server nor does it have any JavaScript. The main goal for its design was to improve the existing design of the Lehigh Valley Animal Hospital website. I believe this website not only shows off my ability to design cohesive, responsive, and good-looking front ends, but also shows my growth as a developer when compared to more recent projects which can be found in my portfolio.

In order to run this site, you can make a fork of my project from the Replit link, which will also allow you to learn more about the code I used to make this site. After you have made a fork, there should be a "Run" button, and the webview should have an option on the top right to expand to full-page view. If Replit is having any errors loading my site, please reach out to me so we can figure out a way for you to view my work.

Click the image to visit the site

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